Santa Maria Annunciata

One of the characteristics of the church is a felt devotion to the Madonna in fact is dedicated to the SS Annunciata and for this the square in front of the church is called “Piazza della Madonna” as well as “water of the Madonna” the water that gushed from the fountain hidden to the right of the church.

It is said that a lord of the castle (Villa Serbelloni) between the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century came every day with his horse from Bellagio towards Visgnola and that, passing them, horse and rider bowed to drink at the source. The gentleman was sick in the legs and could not walk, several times he had observed that the junta, in leaving the source, made a kind of gesture in obedience in that direction. One day the unexpected event occurred: the rider felt rinsanato and reassured on his legs; then he called his men, he had dig before the source and he found an image of Maria SS with the Divine Son, that would be that placed under the central window of the choir. Hence the construction of the church and dedicates it to the Annunciation.

Certainly, it is surprising to find a late Gothic style Madonna on the altar, as an artist of the mid-fifteenth century would have painted. In all likelihood, between 700 and 800 there were enlargement, completion and transformation, but not construction.

In 1857 this new parish was born, of about 750 faithful and included the villages of Visgnola, Casate, Suira (in 1860 it re-aggregated to the archpriest of S. Giovanni), S. Vito, Scegola and all the other scattered cores and houses, to est de torrente Perlo, up to the crest of S. Primo, all in the territory of Bellagio.

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